In order to ensure proper maintenance of painted structures, VVVF and FOSAG wish to go one step further and agree on sustainable maintenance – EN
Press release: Sustainability of vehicle refinshing coatings now measurable (14 July 2014)
VVVF and FOCWA launch the “Sustainability Analysis” tool
Press release (NL)
Press release (EN)
Statement of Intent (NL)
Sustainability Analysis of repairing process (NL)
- Zero VOC Claims for the Decorative Coatings
With the increasing concerns for the environment and the implementation of the Deco paint directive, the paint producers tend to compete for the lowest VOC content in their products
CEPE LCI database ecofootprint tool – this tool is meant to enable CEPE members to calculate environmental impacts of paints
- Sustainability Glossary
This document contains definitions of most used sustainability terms
The CEPE Sustainability Charter encompasses the principles on people, planet and prosperity that the paint, ink and artists colours industry will respect when it concerns Sustainable Development and the document as on the link:
Why did CEPE join?
• European Commission initiative – CEPE responded to the call for interest.
• Level playing field for Green Products in Europe and to harmonize as much as possible!
• Harmonization across Europe would solve some of the biggest challenges in the sector of Paints.
• Make simpler the 460 labels that are currently available in the market • One PEF for B2B and B2C
• Saves money and engages SMEs to also participate!

The PEF Category Rules can be found here:
PEF workshops map

Achievement in terms of uptake

CEPE is a proud supporter of the European commission’s effort for better and more harmonised LCI data via the PEF project. For this reason, we have led the EF complaint Chemicals for Paints database which we shared our knowledge as sector to the most representative and most up to date database that exists in Europe.
The project was done together with Ecoinvent, GreenDelta and Ecomatters. The CEPE LCI database is the basis and it covers 88 datasets for raw materials that are used specifically in Decorative Paints. The methodology that is used is according to the European Commission requirements for the PEF methodology. In order to use this database, you have to perform PEF calculations. The EF database fulfill certain requirements regarding:
- Same scope
- Format
- Nomenclature
- Documentation
- Independent review by LCA experts per dataset calculations.